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Apply for the Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Award

Students who are selected for the Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Award will already be conducting hematology-related research, and must submit an abstract to the annual ASH meeting that is accepted for oral or poster presentation.

Students will be encouraged to remain involved with ASH throughout graduate school, in an effort to keep them engaged in the study of hematology.

Recipients are eligible to apply for additional Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Awards in subsequent years, as long as they are still eligible.

Program Benefits

Participants will receive the following financial support:

  • A stipend of $1,500

Participants will also receive complimentary online subscriptions to Blood, the Journal of the 天美传媒 Society of Hematology, as well as The Hematologist, the Society's newsletter, during all of their remaining graduate school years.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the following criteria in order to qualify:

  • Identify as being a member of a community that is underserved and underrepresented in hematology. Applicants are asked to self-identify, and participants for the award are drawn from this pool.
  • Be enrolled in a graduate-level course of study at a school or institution in the U.S. or Canada leading to a PhD degree. Applicants must be within the first five (5) years of their PhD program.
  • Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Canada, J1 Visa holders, or have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status. To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must be planning and committed to conducting the relevant research project in the contiguous United States or Canada with an ASH member mentor.
  • Be engaged in research under the direction of an ASH member.
  • Be an author on an abstract submitted to the ASH annual meeting that is accepted for poster or oral presentation. Please note that priority is given to first and senior authors.
  • Students pursuing their masters are not eligible.

Application Process

To be considered for a Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Award, you must submit the following:

  1. An abstract to the ASH annual meeting in the Graduate Student category. Applicants must review the rules for abstract submission to submit their abstract online. Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline in early August.
  2. A Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Award Program application, which must be . Please note that the application deadline is August 15.
  3. Letter of endorsement from Research Mentor/PI (required).

Evaluation, Selection, and Notification

Abstracts submitted to the ASH annual meeting will be scored by the appointed abstract reviewers through the regular abstract review process. Abstracts will not be flagged as being from minority PhD students at any point through the abstract review process.

Program applications (not abstracts) will be reviewed by the Committee on Promoting Diversity. A copy of each abstract, as well as its score, will be provided to Committee members in the course of their review.

Applicants will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Research (academic potential)
  • Leadership/service
  • Interest in hematology
  • Quality of the Abstract

Note: Anyone meeting the eligibility requirements set forth above can submit an application. The review of the Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Award applications is based solely on the scientific merit of the abstract submitted and quality of the applicant. However, in fairness to award programmatic balance, participants are not eligible to receive a Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Award and an ASH annual meeting abstract achievement award in the same year.