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Hematology Quality Measures

Quality Measures Under Development by ASH

In 2019, the Quality Measure Oversight Subcommittee prioritized the development of clinical quality measures for improving sickle cell disease care. A technical expert panel composed of clinical and patient experts prioritized the development of measures addressing equitable pain management in the emergency department setting for individuals living with sickle cell disease. The measures were posted for public comment in Spring of 2024.

In 2021, ASH was awarded funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for development of two eCQMs that aim to improve the diagnosis of VTE using Clinical Pretest Probability Tools. Measure development has concluded and measures are expected to be published in Spring of 2024. 

Archived Quality Measures Previously Developed by the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Society of Hematology

The following measures are no longer maintained by ASH and are no longer included in any federal programs. They are shared for reference purposes only.

Intended Audience and Patient Population:
Any hematologist caring for patients age 18 years and older with myelodysplastic syndromes, acute leukemias, multiple myeloma, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Externally Developed Quality Measures

The following externally developed measures may be of interest to practicing hematologists. Quality measures posted reflect those which were determined to be clinically relevant and valuable, feasible for use, and the result of a rigorous evaluation of evidence and development process. This listing as updated on February 13, 2023, and is provided as a reference only. ASH does not endorse externally developed measures.

Individual Clinician Level Measurement

  • Program: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Program ,/li>
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 00313-C-MIPS, NQF endorsement #326
  • Program: Doctors & Clinicians Compare
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 0539-C-PC, NQF endorsement #0384
  • Program: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 05809-E-MIPS, NQF endorsement #0384e
  • Program: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 00542-C-MIPS, NQF endorsement #0383
  • Program: Doctors & Clinicians Compare
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 00816-C-PC, NQF endorsement #0022
  • Program: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Program
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 00816-C-MIPS, NQF endorsement #0022
  • Program: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Program
  • Measure Type: Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 02893-C-MIPS, NQF endorsement #0213
  • Program: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Program
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 02896-C-MIPS, NQF endorsement #0210
  • Program: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
  • Measure Type: Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 02948-C-MIPS, NQF endorsement #0216
  • Program: Marketplace Quality Rating System
  • Measure Type: Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
  • CMIT Ref No. 02901-C-MQRS, NQF endorsement #0006
  • ONSQIR22 (QCDR measure)
  • Oncology QCDR Powered by Premier, Inc
  • NQF 0450
  • ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Academy of Neurology (AAN)
  • NQF 0218

Facility Level Measurement

  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Program: Hospital Compare
  • Measure Type: Composite
  • CMIT Ref No. 00104-C-HC, NQF endorsement #0531
  • Program: Prospective Payment System – Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 00542-C-PCHQR, NQF endorsement #0383
  • Program: Prospective Payment System – Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 02806-C-PCHQR, NQF endorsement #3490
  • Program: Hospital Outpatient Reporting
  • Measure Type: Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 02929-C-HOQR, NQF endorsement #3490
  • Program: Hospital Compare
  • Measure Type: Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 02929-HC, NQF endorsement #3490
  • Program: Prospective Payment System – Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 05733-C-PCHQR, NQF endorsement #0210
  • Program: Prospective Payment System – Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Intermediate Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 05734-C-PCHQR, NQF endorsement #0213
  • Program: Prospective Payment System – Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 05735-C-PCHQR, NQF endorsement #0215
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Program: Prospective Payment System – Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Intermediate Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 05736-C-PCHQR, NQF endorsement #0216
  • Program: Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 03341-E-HIQR, NQF endorsement #3316e
  • Program: Prospective Payment System – Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
  • Measure Type: Outcome
  • CMIT Ref No. 06030-C-PCHQR, NQF endorsement #3188
  • Program: Marketplace Quality Rating System
  • Measure Type: Process
  • CMIT Ref No. 05848-C-MQRS, NQF endorsement #3541
  • Program: Marketplace Quality Rating System
  • Measure Type: Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
  • CMIT Ref No. 02802-C-MQRS, NQF endorsement #0006
  • Program: Marketplace Quality Rating System
  • Measure Type: Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
  • CMIT Ref No. 02830-C-MQRS, NQF endorsement #0006
  • Program: Marketplace Quality Rating System
  • Measure Type: Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
  • CMIT Ref No. 02885-C-MQRS, NQF endorsement #0006
  • Program: Marketplace Quality Rating System
  • Measure Type: Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
  • CMIT Ref No. 028985-C-MQRS, NQF endorsement #0006
  • Program: Marketplace Quality Rating System
  • Measure Type: Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
  • CMIT Ref No. 02899-C-MQRS, NQF endorsement #0006
  • Q-Metric (University of Michigan)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Q-Metric (University of Michigan)
  • Q-Metric (University of Michigan)
  • Q-Metric (University of Michigan)
  • Q-Metric (University of Michigan)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)
  • Q-Metric (University of Michigan)
  • Q-Metric (University of Michigan

Health Plan

  • Q-METRIC (University of Michigan)
  • Q-METRIC (University of Michigan)


  • Q-METRIC (University of Michigan)
  • Q-METRIC (University of Michigan)
  • Q-METRIC (University of Michigan)
  • Q-METRIC (University of Michigan)

All Levels

  • NQF 0217
  • Measure Type: Process